Minggu, 20 Mei 2018


Sweet greetings from cryptomanis to loyal readers,

This time I will explain a little about a project that I think is a great project, for that let's read the following explanation, and to join or find out more. You can see on the site below.

Although the internet seems to be a major part of everyone's life, it's hard to imagine that there are many businesses that are not yet online. While this can be attributed to several variables; the lack of access to the internet, and the complexity and cost of building a conventional website are a sure reason. It can be assumed that this is generally the case in a developing place, despite the fact that it is important that even in the US with most available infrastructure and support, the GoDaddy report states that more than half of independent businesses do not have websites. or Facebook page

ZYPLINE has existing items and apps that will be customized for targeted markets. These items will be the focal point of immediate development and will be available in the third quarter of 2018. After a fundamental adjustment to the basic items, Zypcoin intends to develop some additional items and apps and make them available to their networks worldwide. ZYPLINE does not create websites and is not for consumers who are usually looking for goods or services. It's designed to help consumers who need additional data about a business or someone they identify from print ads, flyers, business cards, or recommendations. This item supports, enhances, and protects all current offline marketing activities, while providing people and businesses with online presence around the world.

Zypcoin is a currency technology that is focused on meeting young startups through their phone numbers as a display for their business. In this case with the market structure structure available from Zypcoin, craftsmen, SMEs, SMEs, and startups can conveniently share their business information as caller views for clients.

In addition, the untapped global resources of the pilot must be globally connected. This significantly reduces the case of none in business and the problem is also related to web page designing. Zypline through Zypcoin will recreate the market and make it a functional framework for startup business in the long run.

These people can produce from the zypline technology part. Zypline-Zypcoin technology is a connection engine for social startup globally. Thus, Zypcoin also helps in the search and connection process for clients and users. The current offline percentage indicates that about 50% of businesses do not have Facebook pages and online presence. This is one of the fundamental market segments Zypline-Zypcoin hopes to bridge and form simultaneously.

ZYPLINE handles this massive worldwide market from single owners and bridges the existing computerized gap with the world's simplest online ordering arrangement. By using Zypcoin, it can allow users to transfer any file in any organization, turning the dark screen of a caller phone into an online business page; set the user's mobile number as a tracker or URL.

It provides billions of people and online business pages that they may not be able to access. ZYPLINE handles underserved market segments from sole proprietors, home businesses and craftsmen worldwide; enabling them to benefit from e-commerce worldwide by simply using their mobile phone number. Zypcoin will respond to this specialized market with a simple and affordable method of building an internet presence for businesses and private posts without the need for overhead, technical assistance and expense from a conventional website. It supports addressable markets consisting of small temporary workers, home-based businesses and casual workforces and helps to seal the worldwide distribution of computers that limit the access of certain people to e-commerce.

ICO Opens New Market Opportunities
With the emergence of new distributed processes, blockchains, smart contracts and cryptocurrency, ZYPLINE sees great opportunities to be able to offer its products outside of the ENTERPRISE and SMB markets and plans to adapt its technologies and products and apply them to major openings served by the global "white market" of sole proprietors , home businesses, and craftsmen around the world. With only their phone number as identifiers, ZYPLINE can get anyone from their "Garage To Global Market".

New App Token
To truly address this market, ZYPLINE plans to publish Zypcoin, a new "token-application" to reuse existing applications, develop new applications, and implement unique distributor / agent strategies that suit the needs and processes of this sector.
The result will enable this huge global market to benefit from online business, showcasing products and services and even participate in global E-commerce with just their mobile numbers and without the cost and complexity of the website.

Zypcoin can bridge the existing digital divide with the world's simplest posting solution. Platforms can be used to upload any file in any format and assign a user's mobile number as a tracker or URL. It gives millions of individuals and online business pages that they will not have. Zypcoin plans ICOs for new "tokens" to address underserved market segments from sole proprietors, home businesses and craftsmen worldwide, enabling them to benefit from global E-commerce with just their mobile numbers.

Zypcoin has the opportunity to bring the power of online product display to billions of sole proprietors and informal workers without Internet overhead or technical support and has a four-year strategic plan to take leadership in this great open white market opportunity. Since there is no 'Content-while-Calling' market to provide historical data, or statistics to determine market size, leadership, the following overall targets will be used:
Within four years of becoming a global leader in the instant-ware real-time mobile content display marketplace with at least 100 million users, revenues of more than $ 250 million.

Zypcoin Change Phone Calls Forever - This shows content posted by the number dialed during normal call turning a dull black black screen into valuable information and opening up a completely new and explosive market opportunity of Content-While-Calling ™
Zypcall increases daily phone calls by displaying information before a call is answered.

The Zypline-Zypcoin token purchase process is simple. Users can access the web portal at www.zypcoinpresale.com as a first step. Second, the user must perform due diligence through messages and webinars. Third, the adoption of SAFT (Simple.agreement for future tokens) and the last user receives portfolio updates. Thus, hereby creating a presence and procedural progress for the purchase of tokens.

Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights
There is no direct competition to the Zypcoin Service which provides an instant view associated with an existing phone number - the service does not exist and that is the basis for the Zypcoin patent. (And the "White Space" market opportunity).

Zypcoin patents relate to new methods of posting and retrieving information using phone numbers (and other indexes) and are part of the issued patent: USPTO No. 9.262.606. Included in archiving are multiple embodiments or use cases that support many future products built on the base connection and registration platform.

Token Distribution


More Information Click on the Bottom Link:

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